Saturday 11 February 2012

Well that was a surprise!

It took longer than we expected and it will cetainly be worth it in the end but when we set off to get plastered together we might just have led you a little up the garden path. And if you know the garden path at Roslin Cottage it goes up quite a long way but it was for a good reason. We're nearly recovered now.   For it was stones, all to do with stones and plaster walls that had hidden them away for generations. Now with Sid's hard work on the old plaster we have found another beautiful stone wall in the bedroom we call The Kirtle for that is the old name of our cottage.
  It started last year when we had decided that a wood burning stove would be a good thing to have in the cottage - we collect our own wood and are very environmentally aware.  This way we could have a gentle heat in the dining room which would go through the cottage and save on other fuel.  As always,  though nothing is straight forward - best laid plans of mice, men, Lucy and Sid and all that...
Now a couple of weeks on and the new stove goes in next week, that's a job for the professionals so we have called on the Scottish Stove Centre who are based at Croftamie to do that.  Meantime we are going to repoint the wall in the bedroom with proper lime mortar and build in the old fireplace we found bricked up with some lovely old stones. Busy times...back soon.